This list will be updated as new projects are added and other completed.
Around the House
* Organize Whipple Library/Archive area – HIGH PRIORITY
Fix leak in foundation
Curate clothing and quilt collection
Paint Tavern (interior)
Repair pump organ
Reorganize collection displays
whitewash cellar wall
water seal cellar wall
Remove exterior entrance door(s) hardware, paint and replace
Paint strap hinges on basement door (no removal)
Paine strap hinges on barn door (no removal)
Clean and paint exterior window frames near basement door
Mortar small area, basement level exterior, near Station St. entrance
Around the Barn
* Paint and install storm windows – HIGH PRIORITY
Organize the collection for display
Build shelves on upper level
Around the yard
* Install pump and construct wood frame around well – HIGH PRIORITY
Plant an herb garden
Mow the lawns (on going)
Edge (with your edger)
Repaint Paine House Museum Sign on front lawn
Create walkway from stone staircase (at sidewalk) to entrance (at back of museum)
Fix wooden wheel on Fire apparatus
Gently wash fire hose carrier/wagon
Create a Paine House Museum descriptive pamphlet for public distribution – in production
Event planning
Event set-up
*Our Museum Director has expressed a wish for someone to help him with the many Museum Director duties: organizing, planning and so on. This is a volunteer position. If interested, please contact our Museum Coordinator.
All volunteers are welcome for an hour, a day or the duration of a long term project.
We also welcome students in need of intern or volunteer hours.
Stop by the house any day we have a planned ‘Clean Up Day’.
June 24, 2020